Thursday, December 11, 2008

Missing Red Cups and Christmas Trees

I'll say it here and now. I'm obsessed with Christmas Trees.

Yes, I know, I'm Jewish. Maybe its the whole envious about not getting to experience Christmas, but that doesn't really hold up, since Hannukah is a great holiday as well. With Hannukah, one gets to spend time with family and friends, light a menorah, play dreidel, eat good food and sing songs. Not much more one could ask for.

I think the reality is that I like what I associate with the Christmas tree. Generally speaking, stores don't really put out Hannukah items, and if they do, its usually as an "Oh, and we should probably put this to be politically correct..." So its not that I don't associate good things with Hannukah, its just that the Christmas Tree is more emblematic because its more prevalent in society at large.

That said...I associate it with:
1) Walking down the street and having people you don't know smile at you
2) Red cups at Starbucks. Nothing makes me happier than the first day of Red Cups. I must say though, I haven't actually been to Starbucks in a while. Maybe I should go.
3) Covers of Christmas music by famous singers
4) Love Actually (the movie)
5) Horrible Christmas movies that show up every year on TV (yet I still watch them)

I'll think of more as the season goes, and post.

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